We Made It Easy For You to Search Right Into Our Informative Site! Choose Which Loan Type You Are Desiring, and Learn How We Make It a Simple Process For You! Due to lower rates than the 30 Year fixed, you can quality for that home that might be out of your reach today. From Commercial Loans, Hard Money Loans, We are ready to help you at each turn of the loan process!
Simply select one of our many loan types and complete the loan form process. Once completed, we will call you immediately. Want to speak directly with our Mortgage Professionals? Feel free to call anytime! With our Licensed Loan Officers, our hard work ethics to ensuring your rate and cost are exactly what is expected, you will feel comfortable that Alt Financial has your best Interest in mind.
Our objective is to have you work with the same licensed and seasoned loan officer throughout the full process. We believe in building relationships. With our twice weekly loan updates plus open door policy to your loan officer, that makes for a simple loan process.
Simply select one of our many loan types and complete the loan form process. Once completed, we will call you immediately. Want to speak directly with our Mortgage Professionals? Feel free to call anytime! With our Licensed Loan Officers, our hard work ethics to ensuring your rate and cost are exactly what is expected, you will feel comfortable that Alt Financial has your best Interest in mind.
Our objective is to have you work with the same licensed and seasoned loan officer throughout the full process. We believe in building relationships. With our twice weekly loan updates plus open door policy to your loan officer, that makes for a simple loan process.
All MLO's working under the license of Alt Financial Network, Inc's DBO's Finance Lenders Law License cannot work from home and will need to work from our CFL Licensed location!
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Technology Savvy Senior Loan Officers to Join our Technology Driven Lead Generation Platform.
Join a High Technology Professional Organization that at is core is to help and generate long term clients!
To build a Network of Hyper Local Business Professionals in Your City utilizing our Cutting Edge Technologies.
Be part of a Team!
Technology Savvy Senior Loan Officers to Join our Technology Driven Lead Generation Platform.
When you refinance, you will receive a completely new mortgage with different rates, terms and monthly payments.
Basically, the new loan replaces your old loan.
You will also be paying your mortgage payment to a new payee!
To take advantage of the Current Rates.
If the rate is lower than your current rate by.5%, it may be a great opportunity to take advantage of them.
By reducing credit card debt, i.e., from compound interest to simple interest, you can save a lot of money and make larger payment toward the home principle amount.
Basically, the new loan replaces your old loan.
You will also be paying your mortgage payment to a new payee!
To take advantage of the Current Rates.
If the rate is lower than your current rate by.5%, it may be a great opportunity to take advantage of them.
By reducing credit card debt, i.e., from compound interest to simple interest, you can save a lot of money and make larger payment toward the home principle amount.
Question: Is it worth it to consolidate revolving debt into my home loan via a Refinance?.
An Adjustable Rate Mortgage which gives you a very low interest rate.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this loan, so feel free to contact one of our Mortgage Professionals to discuss whether a 5/1 ARM, 3/1 ARM or the traditional 30 Year may be best for your situation.
VA Loan: If you are a veteran, let us walk you through the process and reap the benefits of a VA Loan.
An Adjustable Rate Mortgage which gives you a very low interest rate.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this loan, so feel free to contact one of our Mortgage Professionals to discuss whether a 5/1 ARM, 3/1 ARM or the traditional 30 Year may be best for your situation.
VA Loan: If you are a veteran, let us walk you through the process and reap the benefits of a VA Loan.
There are few things to consider when considering to pay off your mortgage faster.
For example, do you want to consider selecting a 30 year fixed mortgage (with no pre-payment penalty), and making an extra payment(s) per year?
Or would you consider a 15 Year fixed rate that locks you into a higher monthly payment but can allow you to take advantage of the 15 year rates which are typically lower than a 30 Year fixed rate.
For example, do you want to consider selecting a 30 year fixed mortgage (with no pre-payment penalty), and making an extra payment(s) per year?
Or would you consider a 15 Year fixed rate that locks you into a higher monthly payment but can allow you to take advantage of the 15 year rates which are typically lower than a 30 Year fixed rate.
If you're not behind on your mortgage payments but have been unable to get traditional refinancing because the value of your home has declined, you may be eligible to refinance through the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP).
The mortgage must be owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae.
The current loan-to-value (LTV) ratio must be greater than 80%.
The borrower must be current on the mortgage at the time of the refinance, with a good payment history in the past 12 months.
The mortgage must be owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae.
The current loan-to-value (LTV) ratio must be greater than 80%.
The borrower must be current on the mortgage at the time of the refinance, with a good payment history in the past 12 months.
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